History of


    Bisco, Second Nutritious Snack Created by Glico

    Bisco, Second Nutritious Snack Created by Glico

    Bisco is a cream sandwich biscuit with yeast, which improves gastrointestinal function, developed by founder Ri-ichi Ezaki as the company’s second nutritious confectionery. The company developed a production method in which yeast, which is sensitive to high temperatures, is incorporated into cream and adheres to the biscuit dough without heating.

    First Bisco Boy

    The picture of a child drawn on the back of the package was the beginning of Bisco Boy. Placing a child's picture on the label was intended to indicate that the product is for children.
    First Bisco Boy

    Newspaper Advertisement Placed at the Time of Launch

    The advertisement emphasized the biscuit’s uniqueness by strongly highlighting the biscuit with yeast.
    Newspaper Advertisement Placed at the Time of Launch
    Relaunch of Bisco

    Relaunch of Bisco

    Production of Bisco, which had been stopped during the war, resumes, and a second generation of Bisco Boy is released. In 1953, Bisco was certified as a special nutritional food.

    Small Poster from Relaunch

    Small Poster from Relaunch
    Third Generation of the Bisco Boy

    Release of Third Generation of the Bisco Boy

    A plump and healthy Japanese boy appeared on the Bisco box with the rapid economic growth of Japan. The picture was then the face of Bisco for 26 years.
    Bisco Containing Papain

    Bisco Containing Papain

    Adding papain, a protein-degrading enzyme, gave the baked product a fluffier and lighter texture, and it is also more easily digestible.

    Cardboard cases with POP

    Cardboard cases with POP

    Hanging POP

    Hanging POP
    Release of the Fourth Generation of the Bisco Boy

    Release of the Fourth Generation of the Bisco Boy

    Enhanced with the addition of vitamins, calcium, and lactic acid bacteria, Bisco Boy was given a modern appearance.
    Bisco Mini Pack

    Bisco Mini Pack

    This product was developed based on the popularity of individual packs at university co-ops to stimulate demand for snacking.

    Sales Campaign Gift: Bisco Notebook

    Sales Campaign Gift: Bisco Notebook
    Major Revamp of Bisco

    Major Revamp of Bisco

    The amount of cream was increased by 20% and the biscuits were given an even better texture. The amount of lactic acid bacteria in the formula was also significantly increased from 40 million to 100 million. The fifth generation Bisco Boy was also released.
    Bisco Preservation Can

    Bisco Preservation Can

    Long shelf life Bisco that can be eaten as both a staple food and a snack with a familiar, gentle taste in times of disasters.
    Long Life Bisco

    Long Life Bisco

    Bisco with a shelf life of 5 years. Targeting companies and organizations, it was sold in a compact vacuum-packed package, which is not bulky even when stockpiled in large quantities.

    Smile Bisco

    This service allows customers to make and enjoy an original Bisco package design printed with their desired photo and name.
    Smile Bisco
    Fermented Butter Bisco

    Fermented Butter Bisco

    These are lactic acid bacteria cream sandwiches with the aromatic richness of fermented butter.
    First Major Revamp in 15 Years

    First Major Revamp in 15 Years

    Dietary fiber was added as food for the bacillus coagulans contained in the cream. The amount of cream added was also the largest in the history of Bisco, achieving a double innovation in both ingredients and taste.

    Bisco Christmas Project

    Bisco and warm milk with a letter to welcome Santa Claus.
    Bisco Christmas Project